illustration & lettering CLASSES on Skillshare
If you’re interested in learning my process, I have several classes available on Skillshare!
Use this link to get 1 free month of premium membership:
Lettering with Texture: Chalk Art in Procreate
In this class, I’ll show you step-by-step how to create chalk art in Procreate, complete with textured lettering, brush tips and shading tricks to make your piece stand out. Learn to use gritty, grainy and dusty textures to create authentic textured designs in Procreate!

Procreate to Print: Fun & Easy Greeting Cards
What if your favorite Procreate illustrations didn’t just sit in your gallery, but became beautifully printed greeting cards you could hold, gift, or even sell? If you’ve ever created a design you’re proud of but weren’t sure what to do with it next, this short class is for you!
Sweet and short class. After teaching us how to design a card, Claire guide us through the process of finally “making” these cards!
Retro Lettering in Procreate: Master the Art of Midcentury Design
In this class, we’re diving into midcentury style to create unique lettering designs, and I’ll teach you my step-by-step process for illustrating midcentury-inspired lettering!
This validated my doubts of making not so perfect lettering. Pretty eye opening and a fun class overall. Thanks Claire!
Fun with Puns: Mastering Lettering
in Procreate
This class is about turning your favourite messages and puns into unique illustrated designs!
What You Will Learn:
-How to turn messages and puns into eye-catching visuals
-How to make your designs stand out using impactful lettering techniques
-Unique Procreate tricks to achieve detailed, custom illustrations

This was the perfect length of class for me to watch in one session! I loved the lettering tips with the mono line brush too–so helpful!
All classes in this series:
Creating a Collection: Greeting Cards for Illustrators
Learn how to build your mini collection of greeting cards in Procreate, using lettering, pattern design and more!
What You Will Learn:
-How to scale your ideas and reuse visual elements
-Tips on planning and building your unique designs
-Essential tips on Procreate, composition, printing and more
-An intro to surface design and pattern making
-Tips on how to present your greeting card designs
Great class on starting a small collection of greeting cards with a few nice tips and tricks included as well. I really enjoyed it and I am looking forward to working on my own greeting cards now!
Short & Sweet Lettering in Procreate
Learn how to combine illustration with lettering with puns! Lessons include:
•Choosing the right idea for your next puntastic project
•Essential tips on composition
•Building your lettering from scratch to finish
•Developing your egg-cellent final illustration piece
•Tips to improve your creative process
I loooved this class! Packed with amazing tips, straight to the point and super fun to follow along. And the brushes from the resources were really helpful!
Textures in Procreate
In this class, you’ll learn how to develop your personal style by using a variety of textures. Learn to create with confidence and put your personal stamp on your illustrations in Procreate.
•Techniques for turning your inspiration into graphic shapes
•Tips for shading, adding details and blending modes in Procreate
•How to develop your personal style through the use of shapes and textures
Highly recommended! An easy and fun way to learn how to include textures in your digital artworks, with great results.— DENISE R
Chalklettering 101
Join me as I walk you through the process of creating your own, unique chalkboard menu design!
•How to combine letters with illustrations in a cohesive design
•Techniques for giving your design a chalkboard look
•A quick solution for creating unique letters
•7 free chalk + stamp brushes
A great class for those looking to improve their lettering and typographic composition skills. I really enjoyed Claire’s way of teaching, it’s easy to follow and engaging every step of the way.
Procreate tips & resources for creatives and more
You can find Procreate tips, short tutorials and resources for artists in bite sized pieces on my blog. I’m also sharing resources that have helped me on the way as an artist, so you can start creating!
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