As we often work alone as illustrators, surface designers, freelancers, etc, we tend to get a bit lost, sometimes. In this new Brushing Up episode, Cody and I wanted to talk about a few artistic challenges we’ve had on the way as creatives. If you missed it, episode 3 of the Brushing Up podcast is up over here. I’ll also talk a bit more about collections I’ve created for clients, and being flexible as an illustrator. A sneak peek of one of those projects:

A few more topics we talk about:
• What are some ways I can stick to my goals when working on personal projects?
• How do I make time to develop my style as an artist?
• How can I deal with being a perfectionist?
00:00 Setting yourself up for success with collections
01:18 Revisit old ideas
03:15 Keep old sketches
05:45 Artistic challenges: Accountability and community
11:16 Developing your personal style
13:47 Printing
15:19 Showing your process
17:39 Making a series: Keeping it simple
21:05 Shiny Object Syndrome & Minimum Goals
22:48 Imperfectionism
26:29 Last bits
Related article: 10 Online Communities for Illustrators, Creatives, and Surface Pattern Designers
Check the last episode here: Brushing Up Ep 3 – Making Powerful Personal Work
Related article: How to Make an Illustration Series: A Step-by-Step Guide
We really hope that you’ll find this video inspiring, and helpful. With Brushing Up, Cody and I want to educate and empower other creatives through inspiring talks. As always, feel free to get in touch if you ever have any questions via email. If there’s something in particular you’d like us to talk about, please let us know. You can download the resource guide for free over here. We are here to cheer you on!